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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Rest In Peace Whitney Houston

Heyy lovers, I must admit I haven't been blogging because I've honestly been a little down since I've heard of the death of Whitney Houston, my beloved idol. I am just heartbroken that she has gone to glory so soon. I have always had a respect and admiration for Whitney, even through her addiction, because throughout it all she has always remained true to herself, true to her faith, a true woman of God, and a beautiful mother! I've NEVER witnessed a celebrity that had such faith and conviction in the Lord..she inspires me to be a better person..through her amazing faith..I find myself falling in love with God all over again..and not because she loves Him..but because of her testimony..He is so glorious..and His plan is far greater than what our minds could ever perceive..but I truly hope that her story, her blessings, her testimony, her faith, and her being will be her legacy...and I pray that Bobbi Kristina leans on God, for He is the only one that can get her through such a precious loss. Sad thing about losing someone is that no amount of time can ease the pain...you never stop missing that person..your heart never ceases to ache for their tender touch, your memories will haunt you with times you wish you could have again, but one thing that time can do is help you to control your emotions to an extent..but in those quiet moments when you're alone and your heart aches for a love it once knew..the pain comes rushing back to the surface..I know the pain of grief all too well, having experienced the loss of over 20 precious loved ones in my life that I can recall. Its a pain that runs deep that I live with daily so I truly empathize with Bobbi Kristina and the Houston family at this time. 

And for those who judge Whitney Houston or ANYONE for that matter, know this....and read this very carefully ..Nobody in life is perfect..Nobody in life has a perfectly smooth journey without any personal issues or failures..none of our journeys are the same, but that doesn't make yours any higher than anyone elses..a sin is a sin, and not to sound harsh but we are all sinners..But it is how we accept ourselves with our own flaws and how we each personally try to better ourselves ..and accept life for what it truly is that makes LIFE so beautiful.. I wake up everyday with a smile..not because of how much money I make, not because I'm buying another pair of shoes, not because I am free of the addictions that plague my community..I wake up with a smile because God saw fit to give me an opportunity to be a blessing to someone..and because He is allowing me to fulfill my purpose..I live for Him, I live because of Him, and He lives through me...and He lived through her, and she has been a blessing to millions through her voice..and she did not die because of her addictions, even if that's what happened to her in the physical..She died because her testimony was written, her story was complete, and God was ready for her to fulfill a Higher Purpose alongside Him and His angels. I weep for a person's death when they've never found God..but I rejoice in death as birth into eternity begins when a person of God passes on to His holy plain. 

Rest In Heavenly Peace Whitney Houston

Please take a moment to listen to this beautiful song, one of my favorites by her :)

Thank you for taking the time to read my "off-topic-of-shoes" post. 

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  1. Well, I must say this was a beautifully written post. And while I have seen some stuff that people have written that says, "Well, why I can't say I'm surprised, I'm really sorry she's gone" type stuff (which, not gonna lie, at first I felt the same way). I mean, it's kind of hard to see someone abusing their body with drugs for so long, and even if they go clean, stuff catches up with you and can demolish your body from the inside out, so it is easy to not be blindsided by it, BUT that has never kept me from feeling bad for someone's loss, especially since, just because she had a drug addiction never meant to me that she was a bad person. I loved Whitney. I grew up with her. I can remember watching "The Bodyguard" on repeat. She had a wonderful voice and she was gorgeous, it's just sad that she went through so many bad years. I don't know what her story was the last like 5 years of her life, but I hope she made peace with God and repented. We all make mistakes so there is no need to say bad things about anyone, especially after they've passed away. (I take that back, I will never have one good thing to say about my father, who was a drug addict/wife abuser/dangerous man). Anyway, I thought what you had to say was extremely touching, lovely and true. I'm glad you wrote this. You have a great heart and my prayers go out to her daughter right now, who apparently ended up in the hospital right after. Also, do you know what happened to Whitney yet? I heard they found her in a bathtub, but I'm not sure if she fell asleep and accidentally drowned or what. I also heard that Ray J was with her at the hotel that same day. Obviously this could all be rumors and I'm sure we'll find out the truth eventually, like we did with MJ's death.

    1. Well it definitely was a shock to me, Whitney definitely appeared to be a lot more healthier during the past couple years..she looked so vibrant and full of life and happy..So it was shocking to me to see that she passed away so suddenly..Whether or not it was from drugs or not, we won't know for weeks, but at this point it doesn't even matter (well not to me)..She never did get in the bathtub to take a bath though they said she passed out and fell into the tub 1/2 in 1/2 out..and Idk about the Ray J thing (I heard about it but wasn't really paying much attention lol)..but I've been a witness to so many deaths in my own family that I've learned to dwell less on how people die and more on what happens to their soul after this life is over.. & the fine thread that always shined through consistently in Whitney's life even through her addiction was her faith in God, that's such an admirable thing ..and her testimony inspires me to be stronger in Christ.

      And I'm so sorry to hear about your father, I wish you two could have mended your broken relationship before he passed. That's so sad that he never realized how destructive his actions were and all the people that he hurt :(

    2. I love the way you said all this. You are so poetic in so many things you say. I've been meaning to tell you that. And don't worry dude. I don't care one bit about my 'dad'. He was literally a worthless piece of shit who did more bad than good in his entire lifetime.
      But ANYWAY, how bout that shoe party Saturday?

    3. LoL really?? I guess maybe ..but I don't really see it...Smh, I know exactly how you feel though. I don't speak with my 'father' either. I have no desire to..and he was an drug addict and wife abuser as well, smh............AND I'm totally ready for Saturday!! :) Being I spent on these shoes Idk if I'll be purchasing any more on Saturday..but if I find the right one of course I'll have to! :)

    4. Ohhhhh and Jenny is going to Strut of NY today!! I'm so excited..I hope she finds a shoe she falls in love with ...which I don't see how you can't at that store!..I wish I could go there today too!! Everyday for that matter!! With an endless amount of shoe money!! LOL
